Welcome to California Trekking

Hello and welcome to California Trekking!

California Trekking is a blog devoted to discussing hiking opportunities and other outdoor activities throughout California.  As the site expands, I’d like to include a wide variety of hiking trails from around the state, and possibly go beyond California every once in a while as well.  From time to time, I’ll also discuss issues and events that might be of interest to the outdoor enthusiast.  There will be a special emphasis on emerging trends in technology, and how they affect planning for a hike and getting around once you’re out on the trail.

I encourage readers of the blog to post comments and provide as much feedback as possible in order to help the site grow and become a valuable resource for the hiking community.  Are there favorite trails that you’d like to see covered?  Have trail conditions or access issues changed since a post was written?  Let me know!  Posts will be updated periodically to reflect the most current information available.

The first trail I’m going to cover is the Tomales Point Trail in Point Reyes National Seashore.  This is a classic hike in northern California, offering both outstanding scenery and a unique wildlife viewing opportunity.  Let me know what you think of the post, and I’ll see you on the trail!


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